How We Developed the Evidence Based Program

Developed by Dr. Laura Salazar, a behavioral scientist with PhD in community psychology with a 20-year record of developing rigorously tested public health programs.
- Based on proven behavioral change techniques coupled with a social norms approach
- Program content validated with students
- Integrated multiple experts from public health, social services, web design and marketing
- Funded by CDC and NIH, randomized, controlled trials with 1500 students tested showed significant reduction in sexual violence
The Final Program
- Online program that can be done on a computer, tablet or a phone
- Engaging and relevant content that talks to today's students
- Interactive learning modules that don't just tell, they show, with scripted dramatizations of real-life scenarios college students face

The Clinical Findings
Funded by CDC and NIH, randomized, controlled trials with 1500 students tested showed significant reduction in sexual violence

Six months after watching the RealConsent® program, participants:
- Among college men, demonstrated higher levels of knowledge about consent for sex versus control group
- Among college men, significantly reduced sexual violence perpetration versus control group
- Among college women who experienced sexual assault, significantly reduced frequency of sexual violence victimization occurrences versus control group
- Among college men and women, reported significantly more pro-social intervening behaviors to stop violence versus control group
Supported by Solid Research

Program Development Research
Laura F. Salazar, Alana Vivolo-Kantor & Kira McGroarty-Koon (2017)
Formative Research With College Men to Inform Content and Messages for a Web-Based Sexual Violence Prevention Program, Health Communication, 32:9, 1133-1141, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2016.1214219

CDC Randomized Controlled Trial--Males
Salazar LF, Vivolo-Kantor A, Hardin J, Berkowitz A (2014)
A Web-Based Sexual Violence Bystander Intervention for Male College Students: Randomized Controlled Trial
J Med Internet Res 2014;16(9):e203, URL: https://www.jmir.org/2014/9/e203, DOI: 10.2196/jmir.3426

Theoretical Mediators of Real Consent
Laura F. Salazar, PhD, Alana Vivolo-Kantor, PhD, and Anne Marie Schipani-McLaughlin, PhD (2019)
Theoretical Mediators of RealConsent: A Web-Based Sexual Violence Prevention and Bystander Education Program
Health Education & Behavior , Vol. 46(1) 79–88 DOI: 10.1177/1090198118779126